Posts Tagged ‘law of attraction’

The power of Prayer-Intention using Morrnah Simeona’s prayer…

April 1, 2013

morrnah simeona

Morrnah Simeona

The power of Prayer-Intention using Morrnah Simeona’s Ho’oponopono prayer…

Intention is a really important aspect of how you live your life.

If you do not set an intention, then you will be much less likely to live life the way you wish it to be… this is the Hawaiian principle of IKE, that energy flows where attention goes.

When Alice met the Cheshire Cat she asked it which path she should take. The cat asked her where she was headed. ‘I don’t know’ she replied. ‘Well in that case any road will take you there’ said the wise cat! Or as the Hawaiians might say ‘the unaimed arrow never misses’!

So if you want your life to be more of what you like and less of what you don’t it is important to consciously choose how you wish your life to be, firmly set the intention and then take a step in that direction, whilst allowing spirit to choose for you the ‘ how’ of reaching that place…

So if you wish to heal or clear an old hurt, or a bad feeling or situation, first of all pray for help and ask that it be cleared… …and if you wish to use Dr Hew Len’s 4 statements ho’oponopono clearing method, be sure to say this prayer before you begin, setting your intention and letting the universe help you…

Prayer from Morrnah Simeona, Kahuna La’au Lapa’au

“Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Child as one:

Oh my child…   will you forgive me for all my errors, in thoughts, words, deeds and actions I have accumulated and subjected you to over eons of time?

As your Mother today, I forgive you for all your fears, resentments, insecurities, guilts and frustrations.

Come and hold my hand, and reverently, ask the Father, our Aumakua, to join us and hold our hands. As a unit of two, please ask the Father to join us and make the three of us a unit of one.

Let love flow from me to you and from us to the FATHER. Let the DIVINE CREATOR embrace us in the DIVINE CIRCLE of love.”

Remember you are saying this prayer to your inner self, as indeed you say the 4 statements to your inner self…

and then, focusing on that within yourself that as the ‘problem or issue or pilikia’ to be resolved

repeat the 4 statements in the order that suits you, until the problem has lifted…

I’m sorry

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you

for more details on how to make this work well for you, see my earlier posts starting here:

Aloha Gary’s guide to Hawaiian Ho’oponopono Healing – Part 1 The real meaning of “ho’oponopono”

Malama pono. In love and humbleness, All truths are my teachers, all mis-takes are my own.

Mahalo nui loa

Thank you for reading

Aloha Gary

For more on the amazingly powerful healing and wisdom teachings of Ancient Hawai’i – visit Aloha Gary’s blog at   or

And please like/join the ho’oponopono facebook page

© Gary Plunkett 2013 – all rights reserved

This article may be reproduced in FULL or part, ONLY if it includes the above weblinks, otherwise please contact author at   to make appropriate arrangements

The Green, The Blue, The Brown… new poetry for the vernal equinox

March 20, 2013

fae otherworld tree


The Green, The Blue, The Brown…                

© Gary Plunkett 20th March 2013

The livid earth
virile green
fertile and fecund
green hearts
green souls
bursts from the vital earth
energised and raw

vitality and joy
in every leaf
every branch
every young soul
springs forth eternal
as the white disperses
bringing forth green joy and laughter

the white melts to blue
blue pools eddy and flow
gurgling streams of vivid life
jellied spawns in muddy pools
gushing life force
rages the waterfall
all power and noise
meandering to a steady grace

trout a-fly catching
the blue flooding the arid plains
brown banished once more to green
stately and languid
wise salmon rush upstream
the blue scatters and widens
diving down to reach Father Sea
the Great Blue
infinite and beyond all comprehension…

comes the green, alive, active, joyous
being, searching upward for the red
the sun, the life giving force,
warmth on the skin
comforting, lustful, loving
lush depth, rousing passion

rutting madness
crashing, bashing, wild, carefree
sated in the stifling heat
loving deeply, madly,
deep ensoulling love

flowering stillness
bees buzz
flutterbys alight
stately sipping nectar
harsh light ever browning
languid summer
dry and hot
browns the earth
parched ochres

reds, yellows, browns
beautiful fall
beds of leaves
lush and thick brown

Cailleach comes
white once more
and then…

the Spring,
turns the year,
the vitality of life returns
we are whole once more…

HOW DOES HO’OPONOPONO HELP CHILL OUT & DE-STRESS IN PRACTICE? hear the students in their own words…

August 13, 2012

28-29th July 2012 –  Hawaiian Foundation workshop 1 (of 4) – Bracknell

I am now feeling much lighter, I have shifted loads. I learnt more than I expected to and techniques which are easy to use every day. Really shifted some old stuff and feel transformed. Also met some lovely people with whom I’ll keep in touch.If you want to learn easy techniques to shift old stuff, increase intuition and take away plenty of things to use in everyday life this weekend is for you. Thank you so much, mahalo!Mary-Jane Sharratt, Homeopath.

I learnt in one weekend what some courses teach you in weeks. I wanted to de-stress and de-clutter my mind, and my mind now feels relaxed and unlcuttered. I intend to follow through in my home and my life. Helen Spendlove, Marketing.

I was empowered by my first experience of this course and wanted to do it again. The weekend was calming, energising and mind clearing. I would definitely recommend it. Excellent trainer. Gary is very experienced in getting to the bottom (unconscious mind) to open you up to your possibilities of healing and helping yourself. Lesley Dale, Holistic therapist.

I now feel more tuned in on my spiritual journey. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and I would like to come on more. Recommended. Excellent value for money. I have done lots of other courses like aromatherapy, reiki, etc and I feel like was leading the way to more spiritual things like today. I feel exhilarated by some of the exercises. Sue Hodges, payroll administrator.

Weird. The most amazing experiences. Excellent workshop. A great meeting of those who want more from this life and willing to help each other. I found the healing processes very spiritual and uplifting, especially as our outcome was so great with the correct teaching. I have learnt the power within and to protect my energy.The most amazing way to spend a weekend with others who are like minded and wanting to change their life for the great good! Catherine McDaid, payroll assistant.

I feel happier and more relaxed. It was a good workshop where I learnt new things and was reminded of things I knew but had forgotten. Thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend it to people who are serious about energy and empowerment healing of self and environment.It was a unique experience of Hawaiian practices, shamanism, healing and others, which integrated really well and was enjoyable. Dhriti Mehra, IT Consultant, homeopath, and shamanic counsellor.

Chill out and De-stress 100% achieved! Excellent course. All the techniques and meditations were very simple but very effective, definitely worth giving the course a try. I came again because of  my positive experiences on the previous course. Jozef Rajcany, Health Care Asst.

Weird and excellent! I wanted to find tools I can take with me for the epilepsy I’d been carrying around for years. The ‘multi-player’ ho’oponopono was very powerful. Using these exercises with others has more effect. The energy awareness sessions have real impact. Hitesh Daudia – Spiritual Entrepreneur

Aloha Gary’s guide to ho’oponopono, huna and Hawaiian healing wisdom… Part 8 – DREAM YOUR REALITY INTO BEING…

August 8, 2012

…with Hawaiian Dream Interpretation!!!

…is part of the Dreaming your life into Reality Workshop… part 2 of our 4 part Foundation Series

Have you ever wondered what those very strange images or mysterious thoughts you wake up with are all about? Or perhaps you’ve struggled with one of those dream symbol books and given up in disgust?

Some people seem to effortlessly just know or intuit what their dreams are about, but what about the rest of us? As in many areas of life, the Hawaiians strive to make everything as simple as possible, and their techniques for dream interpretation are no different.

From a Hawaiian perspective, our dreams come from our inner selves, the Unihipili, akin to Jung’s Unconscious mind, and must be translated so the Uhane or conscious mind can understand them, and then the really good part, sometimes there is a Higher message from your everlasting soul, your ‘Aumakua, or Higher Self, who wants to let you know something really important.

Here is an example of one of my own dreams – I have skipped the explanation of how we derive these so you can get to the results more easily…

Monday’s dream: A blonde Scotswoman is pretending to be an American in the Speakeasy bar she owns in German occupied Europe. She also owns a big public gardens or park. Both are fronts for escape lines for escaped PoWs and others (eg the persecuted, such as jews). We talk of Spain and Portugal, and then France and Germany. Escape. And Blighty (Britain).

This first (unconscious mind meaning) translates to the following messages

notice the beauty all around
recognise the illusion for what it is
find fun and joy – this is the purpose of life
There is a gateway opening, so enjoy the journey of awakening
leave behind boxed in thinking
all of life is a risk, the risk of doing nothing leading to no change or growth
there will be difficulties to overcome, be open minded to recognise the learnings
breakthrough life’s challenges
reach the next level – feel safe

As you can see – the powerful inner messages from the dream are nothing like most people using dream symbol books would get from this dream! The Hawaiian method is very powerful in helping you to get in touch with your both your inner self and higher self and to create a stronger rapport… which also strengthens your intuition too… and leads to stronger guidance from your higher self. Powerful! And so simple!

From these first messages we then sense/intuit the overall context of the dream – in other words, what is this about?

Dream context/topic: Growth (of soul) – fertility, fecund, expansion, hints of planting seeds (for self and others)

We then translate again from the unconscious meaning, this time within this context of Growth…
this is where the really deep stuff lies!

Higher Self’s meaning:

Enjoy life each day
Practice – journeying and meditation
Enjoy the journey
Allow fun
Open Heart – new learning – new way of being
Joy – be content and happy
Open to spirit
Change – transformation – new you
Learnings – resilience, strength, perseverance

We then pay attention to these strong deep messages to discover the overal message and what action steps we can now take. Without the action steps, dreams are merely of academic curiosity – it is only when you take action that you move forward… sometimes from a very powerful message, the action step can seem a little mundane.

Also note that when I share these teachings in class, the watching students often have a ‘so what?’ attitude, because the words the other person is using are not their own, but when you do it for yourself most people say ‘wow’ that was so powerful…

Overall message – trust that growth is happening (even if you can’t see it)

Next Action Step: be more organised and timely, learn the skills and technology of modern world.

So as you can see, a really deep message – you are ok, all is well, growth is happening, trust that things are going in the right direction… with a simple message, to knuckle down and take some actions towards making the new technologies work for you… and nothing to do with wars or any of the stuff which is the ‘mirage’ of the dream!!

You can also use this interpretation method to understand your ‘normal’ life and find out the meaning of every day or strange happenings in your life too! Go for it!


So if you would like to learn how to use Dream Interpretation to strengthen your connections with your inner and higher selves, why not come along to one of my ‘Manifest your dreams’ workshops, which is part 2 of 4 ‘foundation’ level practical skill based workshops, designed to equip you with very powerful yet simple life skills to move yourself forward and stand in your power. Or empowerment as it is sometimes called.

Malama pono. In love and humbleness, All truths are my teachers, all mis-takes are my own.
Mahalo nui loa
Thank you for reading
Aloha Gary
For more on the amazingly powerful healing and wisdom teachings of Ancient Hawai’i – visit Aloha Gary’s blog at   or
And please like/join the ho’oponopono facebook page
© Gary Plunkett 2012 – all rights reserved
This article may be reproduced in FULL or part, ONLY if it includes the above weblinks, otherwise please contact author at   to make appropriate arrangements

fun Audioboo interview al fresco in the English countryside!

August 8, 2012

A fabulous wee 10 minute podcast on the Surrey Downs with Mr Tom Evans, the Guildford guru of light bulb moments and bookwrighting…
(although they seemed more like Ups to me! 😉

click the link to hear it… and click the play symbol on AudioBoo

Tom can be found here… 


July 25, 2012

Clean Erase Erase back to Port (ie your home self)

(Morrnah taught ho’oponopono to Hew Len!!)

Divine Creator, father, mother, child as one, please locate the origin of my feelings, thoughts of MONEY,

Take each and every level, layer, area and aspect of my being from its origin to the present.

Humbly humbly we ask you all for forgiveness for all our fears, errors, resentments, guilt, offences, blocks, attachments we have created and accepted from the beginning of creation to the present.

Let divine intelligence include all pertinent information knowingly or unknowingly have omitted.

Analyze it and resolve it perfectly with divine light.

Come through all generations of time and eternity.

Healing every incident and its appendages based on the origin,
through divine will through to the present. Filled with light and truth.

Divine Creator’s peace and love, forgiveness of myself for my incorrect perceptions.

Forgiveness of every person, place, circumstances and event which contributed to this, these feelings thoughts and actions

IT IS DONE          IT IS DONE          IT IS DONE


My journey into spirituality, Blog Talk Radio Interview 12th June 2012

June 12, 2012

My journey into spirituality, Blog Talk Radio Interview 12th June 2012

click the caption above to start the 55 minute interview…<3

My journey into spirituality, hawaiian wisdom, celtic shamanism and much more…thank you Tracy Liebmann for your kindness in inviting me, aloha and hui hou! 🙂

Aloha Gary’s guide to ho’oponopono, huna and other hawaiian healings… Part 7 – Ho’oponopono and the Hawaiian ‘law of attraction’

April 24, 2012

Aloha Gary’s guide to ho’oponopono, huna and other hawaiian healings…

Part 7 – Ho’oponopono and the Hawaiian ‘law of attraction’

I just received an interesting question from my previous post about this and felt it may be helpful to you for me to elaborate more…

“Hi Gary  when we seek prosperity or riches in health, wealth and well-being is there a fine line within our personal and spiritual growth that this will only give us joy happiness etc and that we have to understand it is more than prosperity or riches in health, wealth and well-being? Reason I ask is that when we see post like this people will believe that this will make them happy? Do you think or believe sharing or serving with others spiritual prosperity etc is what they seek more than the material side?”Here’s what I wrote…Good question.

Happiness is a choice we can make every second of the day. Most people think of happiness as a feeling, which in jargon terms we call an ’emotional state’ – and yet this state changes every 30 seconds, so every 30 seconds you have a choice, shall I be happy or not?

What I discovered is that I and most people have not thought about the difference between in-the-moment happiness, and what it takes to feel inner contentedness, which is a much deeper long term attitude to life.

This is probably why so many choices are made focusing on short term happy, versus long term contentedness, which inevitably do not always work because what is happy now (eg, get drunk) is not contented long term (eg hangover, money spent, and possibly things said and done while drunk!).

Or perhaps eat cake now for short term happy, but get fat which is long term unhappy! I’m sure you know what you do?

A lot of people (including me!) have built up a chunk of inner rules or beliefs, along the lines of: I will be happy when…

I will be happy when I get a new job

I will be happy when I get a new partner

I will be happy when …..

and by such actions we are constantly putting off our ability to be happy in the moment…

If you give yourself such rules your inner self (unconscious mind) will follow these rules and not release your happy emotion to you.

Therefore it is crucially important to cleanse and clear all these rules or ’emotional baggage’ as some people call it.This is what my hawaiian workshops give people: the chance to make changes to their rules and beliefs to allow them to release ‘happy’ from its prison.Every single person has ‘events’ in their life, but its what you do about it that decides how your life turns out.

Let us simplify this…

As author of chicken soup for the soul Jack Canfield puts it:


in other words…

(life) Events+ (your) Response=Outcome (results)

It is not just what happens to you that defines you and makes the difference in your life,  it is what you decide and do about it that has the biggest impact!

When I first began looking for something better and ways to change/improve myself to find this elusive ‘happy’ I went on many courses and workshops in interpersonal skills, personal development and more, including Neuro Linguistic Programming (I am a certified trainer of NLP), clean language, EFT, reiki, shamanism and a whole lot more. In fact I  recently made a list and found I know over 200 different techniques for releasing old patterns, emotions, past events, soul retrievals, and stepping into the future to bring more power and life vitality.

I knew that what I wanted was to find the most powerful techniques available that I could learn and use quickly to help me to change myself. And when I found such release and happiness myself, through using them, I wondered why no one else seemed to be aware that such a quick and easy change could be possible, and why this was not taught in western schools?

Then I realised that part of the reason is that a big chunk of what I learned I had found in Hawaii which not many people get to visit!

Further more, at that time, there were very few teachers who taught this outside of Hawaii, and very few books. Alas this is still the case, which is why I have dedicated myself to bringing these teachings to as many people as I can, especially in the UK and Europe, (although I’m always happy to share anywhere there is big enough group who want to learn and listen).

What’s more my aim is not just to share wisdom, but to find ways to ensure those who come to me as students or clients, go away with enough learnings on the inside that they are able to lead a different life, either a little bit different or a lot, as you choose.

These hawaiian techniques (including, but not limited to ho’oponopono) are probably THE most powerful collection of techniques I have found so far, for creating personal change and well being for those who realise it is time to let go and move on.

The ‘law of attraction’ is always working, which means if you believe the world is bad it will be, and if you believe the world is good it will be! So as soon as you ditch the baggage, new and better stuff comes along. Although I am using the common phrase ‘Law of Attraction’  here, this is something Hawaiians have been doing for years. They call it ‘Pule‘ and the meaning may surprise you, as it means prayer!

There is a reason EVERY religion and spirituality includes prayer, it’s because prayer works! Or at least it does if you do it right.

Unfortunately, for some reason the major religions have forgotten how to do this properly, and IMHO over-piety and over-humbleness have caused people to put themselves below deity instead of on a par, and we are taught to feel ‘not worthy’ when we pray. If you feel bad while you pray you will manifest bad stuff. Period. This is simple law of attraction, what you focus on you manifest.

What I teach in my Hawaiian manifesting workshops is:

a) how manifesting/law of attraction works 100% of the time for you

b) you self assess where your focus is: good/bad?

c) we help you create a new focus for yourselfd) how to pray properlye) how to manifest a life of your choosing

Note: letting go of old/bad stuff is the focus for Workshop1 ” De-stress and chill out using ho’oponopono and Huna”workshop2 “Hawaiian Manifesting” also sometimes called ‘how to get to hawaii’ because so many want to go but dont believe they can…until now!

Malama pono. In love and humbleness, All truths are my teachers, all mis-takes are my own.

Mahalo nui loa

Thank you for reading

Aloha Gary

For more on the amazingly powerful healing and wisdom teachings of Ancient Hawai’i – visit Aloha Gary’s blog at   or

And please like/join the ho’oponopono facebook page

© Gary Plunkett 2012 – all rights reserved

This article may be reproduced in FULL or part, ONLY if it includes the above weblinks, otherwise please contact author at   to make appropriate arrangements

Aloha Gary’s guide to Hawaiian Ho’oponopono Healing and much more… Part 6 – Ho’oponopono guide to Hawaiian abundance manifesting

April 17, 2012

...just another day in paradise...

Aloha Gary’s guide to Hawaiian Ho’oponopono Healing and much more…

Part 6 – Ho’oponopono guide to Hawaiian abundance manifesting

This note was inspired by a question sent to me on email from a new member of the facebook page for UK Ho’oponopono, Huna and Aloha:

The questioner asked: ‘surely the divine knows what is best for me, so why should I set goals or direction?’

This is such a brilliant question, because it allows me to bring a number of Hawaiian concepts to help explain more about your inner nature, which is nothing like the understanding of the world that we are given at school or in the media. Anyone would think there was a deliberate attempt to suppress your true, full, wonderful human nature!

Well the best way to know the future is to create it yourself, and you are here on the planet to do just that.

The Hawaiians say you have 3 selves – the ‘Aumakua, which is similar to Jung’s Higher Conscious Mind, the Uhane, the Conscious waking mind, and the Unihipili or subconscious mind. Each mind has a different role.

Our Higher Self is the divine within, which in some traditions, like Christianity is known as the ‘holy spirit’ or guardian spirit. It is this which knows what is ‘best’ for your Soul.

But the role of your conscious mind, your personality, is to be the decider, and to choose which paths to go down. However, what the Soul wants for your personality, personal growth, comes with learnings, and this is what we as personalities on earth call ‘stuff’ or life issues that we have to live through and grow spiritually from.

Sometimes it is easy to think that our life issues only happen to us, but actually they happen to just about everyone, and it is our ability to cope and thrive through these lessons, that builds us into stronger more resilient, positive human beings.

Our Higher Self knows our life purpose (and most people are already living their life purpose they simply do not always recognise it, because we have this idea that a life purpose has to be something grand and outside of ourselves, like saving the whales, or being and eco-warrior – this is the ego talking.

More often our life purpose is to learn how to be a good mother, or father, or to make a good marriage, or tend the garden. Or be a teacher, or the life and soul of the office, or work in local communities doing, what to the ego is a small thing, but to the universe is a massive thing, bringing love to ourselves and those around us.

So the Higher Self is the source of our inspiration, which is why in my workshops we pay so much attention to connecting your conscious directly to your higher self and subconscious self all together as one, so that the conscious can direct, which is its job, but be inspired by the Higher Self.

So the ‘process’ is to be inspired with purpose by the Higher Self, and to seek mastery of that purpose, ie, improve your self, by planning and thinking (the conscious self’s role) and creating positive habits of energy and actions towards this purpose (the subconscous self’s role) in the material world, holding onto the vision from the Higher Self.

To begin step 1 is write down your vision from your inspiration, or Higher Self and claim it – you communicate to the divine through your higher self, and you communicate with your higher self through your unconscious, so until you embody what you wish by being able to remember and visulaise it with positive passion in detail, then it will be harder to manifest.

The divine will help you with what you want, it can be $1 or $1m it doesnt matter, you must feel it with energy and passion and it will come. if it is just a wish or a nice to have it will not…

There is a special Hawaiian Prayer, to create energy for your Vision, to add power to this. I have seen it described as the Ha-Rite, but mostly it is incorrectly described, again this is a key part of the what I share, and is best experienced rather than described in words, which are an inadequate substitute.

So if you can create a vision board with pictures that will help. Better still is to draw it with all your own energy, even if you do not think of yourself as an artist. A stick man drawn by you, is better than someone else’s pictures, but make very sure the pictures are exactly what you want, because the unconscious takes things literally, when it passes your picture to the Divine via the Higher Self.

Also your unconscious may be running other programmes that sabotage your dreams, with limiting beliefs, so some people have a fear or failure, others have fear of success, which is much more common! so we subconsciously hold beliefs, eg, that money is evil, or ‘people like us dont succeed’ etc – these are often installed in early childhood by the family or friends or school, often without realising it.

This is why the Hawaiians spent so much time clearing old beliefs, and we can do the same through the many Huna methods, including Ho’oponopono, both traditional, and through the Huna guided visualisation which is on my Hawaiian Chill Out CD, and also the ‘4 statements’ version from Dr Len’s Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono .

So I hope you are now eagerly anticipating our next Aloha Gary’s Guide – Part 7 – More Hawaiian methods to Discover the real you by changing the parts you don’t like!

Malama pono. In love and humbleness, All truths are my teachers, all mis-takes are my own.

Mahalo nui loa

Thank you for reading

Aloha Gary

For more on the amazingly powerful healing and wisdom teachings of Ancient Hawaii – visit Aloha Gary’s blog at   or

And please like/join the ho’oponopono facebook page

© Gary Plunkett 2012 – all rights reserved

This article may be reproduced in FULL or part, ONLY if it includes the above weblinks, otherwise please contact author at   to make appropriate arrangements